Dr George Bagdatoglou - Deputy Director

An economist and econometrician with over a decade of consulting experience for the public and private sector, George is a Deputy Director at Alma Economics. He oversees key areas of Alma’s research activities and contributes to the design and implementation of our cutting-edge analytical approaches.

In addition to helping drive Alma’s growth and development, George provides expert guidance on challenging projects. He has advanced knowledge in fields such as microeconometrics, forecasting and machine learning, and extensive organisational and project management skills.

Before joining Alma, George worked for over a decade in several London-based economic consulting firms including as a Research Director and Econometrics Lead. He has worked on a wide range of research projects in the areas of public policy, regulation, business analytics and macroeconomics.

George holds a PhD in Economics from Brunel University, where he also completed his MSc in Financial Economics.

A longtime lover of diverse sports, George’s latest passion is beach volleyball, which even the London rain cannot temper.

Email: george.bagdatoglou@almaeconomics.com